‘If you are going to doubt something, doubt your limits’
Exciting news! MLSS have partnered yet again with Tough Mudder for our annual MLSS Tough Mudder obstacle course – a fast-paced, team orientated challenge. Our team will be travelling down to Cholmondeley Castle in Cheshire to take on this 5km challenge.
Following on from last years huge success, we aim to make this year’s Tough Mudder even bigger and better! Last year saw us raise a phenomenal £35,825 which helped to support our new and existing projects. This allowed us to keep the doors open at our newly formed Community Hub in Walsall – where we support more young people and their families. This also contributed to the running of several programmes we hold at our Hub, such as the HAF programme which provides activities and hot meals for children who are on free school meals.
This years’ raised proceeds will contribute to our many UK and International projects. We will be raising funds for GN550 – a project which facilitates over 200 residents with severe disabilities and mental health conditions in the slums of Rajasthan, India. Also, we will be raising for our school in Rajasthan, providing education for children who may never have had the opportunity to learn.
Coach travel arrangements will be made from Walsall Caldmore Gurdwara for locals who are interested – but please feel free to make your own way if necessary.
Sign up today via this link to register your interest. For any enquiries, please email admin@mlss.org.uk or call us on 07828863681.
Tel. 01922 861 165
Email. admin@mlss.org.uk
UK Charity Number.